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The choice you make today determines your tomorrow 10/7/24 9:37 AM Katie T.

The Holy Spirit speaks –

Instructions are coming through for you today. Instructions to keep you safe from harm and to lead you out of destructions path. Hear the word of the Lord my dear ones. The special people I hold close to my heart.
You who abide in me . You who speak to others for me. You who are willing to lay your life down for me.

I say to you that no greater love exists than one who would lay their life down for their friend.

I love you and I am with you. I will hold you in the palm of my hand . My wing will overshadow you and only peace and safety will you find. You will find this place in me. Not in the earth where you reside. Not in the darkness where sin abounds and has taken hold of society by taking root of each mans soul.

There is only one way to God and to heaven and that is through me.

Hear what the Spirit of the Lord says to you this day.

I will instruct you and lead you to a new place – some of you in the earth and all of you under my wing . All that is required of you is to turn from your wicked ways. Repent my people of your sins.

Sins of strife and bitterness – arguments and all manner of sexual immorality. Come out from among them and be separate . Repent and never commit these sins again. Step up and out of the pit of your life. Don’t you know that my judgements are created for you child ?

They are created for you. It is all for you. You think that you are fine and safe but you were not fine. Everything is not ok. You think you are my sheep . You think you have chosen me. Yet you remain in sin. How you ask ? How are we in sin Lord ? I’ll tell you how.

You sin against me every time you say a curse out of your mouth. When you are prideful and arrogant against others – you have done this to me. When you listen to music that was created by the devil. When you listen to people who are not led by my spirit. When you mock the people who are. When you think that your grandiose mind set is the only way it can be. You lack wisdom and it shows in every word you speak. It shows in your actions. You can not sin and break my law and enter My Kingdom.

You can not war with man in your homes – work – church – in school and say that you live for me. I am the Lord of Peace. I instruct you in my word that you must live in peace with those you know and that without doing so you will not stand before me.

You are wicked and perverse and you blow it off every time I convict you of your sins. Instead of repenting and turning from the sin. You reserve it for later and just hold off for now and again. You tell yourself that none is perfect but me. Yet I tell you that you are to lay down every sin and weight that hold you down in life and keeps you away from me. I command you to be a peacemaker . Come up this day from among them and walk separately says your God.

I want to take you, and grow you, from Glory to Glory. I have a plan for you in this life and eternity. I want you with me. Will you do what it takes ?

Read and study my word. I have directives that will show you the way you are to live your life. You must be careful to obey them. Follow me – I am the bread of life. I am the way the truth and the life.

Taste and see that I am good and have only good for you.
Understand that the good that I have for you may come through your suffering in this earth.

My ways are not your ways and my thought are not your thoughts.

Renew your mind through the reading of my word and come to me with a sincere heart. I will never turn you away my love. I desire to be one with you. I desire to talk to you . I love you . I gave my life for you.

The severity that you feel is for your good. Everything is allowed by my hand . Don’t turn from me. Turn to me and hold tight. I will save you for all eternity. This life of yours is but a vapor. Talk to me. Come to me. Turn from ALL of your sins. Sanctify and heal your minds – wash your soul through my word . I am always with you until the very end. I love you.

Word received this morning while interceeding for people who are hurting today.

I want to encourage you to hold on to Jesus. To hold on to His Word.
I want to encourage you to go deeper. To seek Him with all of your heart .

To seek the deeper things. Spiritual and heavenly things. I want to encourage you when you’ve lost everything in life or when you’re suffering from a divorce , abuse , incest , rape. Sickness and disease. Discord in your homes. Whatever is hurting you today.

I want to ask you to please surrender all to your healer King Jesus. Surrender your speech, your words, your body as a living sacrifice and come up higher in Him.

I hear the Lord say there is a new level He wants to bring you to this day

Come up again in wisdom
Search for wisdom from above. Lay up your treasure in Heaven.

I hear the Lord’s Spirit say that He is going to elevate you from this place of despair and agony but you must surrender all and not be a repeat offender.

He’s going to do a new thing and he wants to breath Life into you and I.

He wants to save the Lost through you and I but we have to be honest with ourselves about where we truly stand . It’s not just about service in a building . It’s about truly giving up our life and becoming a vessel of honor . One that is fit for our Master’s use.

As we diligently seek Him – His word says He will REWARD us and He does ….He truly does.

We are meant to be ever changing and to go from Glory to Glory. I am not the same person this year that I will be next year. I am continually being filled with His Spirit . I am continually fighting for the faith. I am contending in the spirit realm. I am standing in the Gap. I won’t stop and we shouldn’t ever back down from what is right and just and Godly and Good. This is our heritage from God. We are one nation under Him but it’s a different Nation it’s a Holy Nation. It’s a group of people . It’s the remnant.

Are you ready to change the life of someone you may never meet on this side of the earth ? Fill yourself with Him.

Are you ready to change the atmosphere in your home – in your town- in your family ? The answer is to fill yourself with Him.

The apostle Paul said – I thank God that I speak more than you all in Tounges of FIRE.

Do you want to be consumed today by the Holy Ghost ? Then go for it. Press in towards the mark of the High Calling of Jesus Christ – forgetting the things that lay behind and pressing towards the mark of Jesus Christ .

All praise and honor and glory be to you the most High God.

We love you and we praise you and forgive all who have sinned against us. Please forgive us of our sins , oh Holy and Righteous Father.

God is wanting to do something new for you today. Press in Beloved one. He loves you beyond measure. Let us prepare ourselves as a wise virgin. Let’s not be like like foolish virgins who say a cuss word now and again and act like the world. A sin here or there . No real growth or maturity. Like little children- babes on the milk. Let us step up and come out from among them . Endure the refining fire.

The choice you make today determines your tomorrow.

Katie T.


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