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You Are That Light in the Darkness

10/13/24 3:51 PM LynL

The light that shines in the darkness, is like a beacon that shows those who are lost, where to go. Your light, your beacon, is a signal to those who need help. You light the way for them to find Salvation.

As the darkness pervades this Earth, a deeper, darker darkness that can be felt, intensifies. Those who do not follow Jesus closely, will be overtaken swiftly.

Stay in the light, for the darkness will swallow your sins and intensify them (if you are) without a buffer of light and holiness. Repent and stay away from all darkness, for the battle of your soul has just begun. Take out your Words, shield of faith, and all other battle gear for the fight will be intense.

Those that stand by I Am and become part of my army, will be victorious. We have already won the battle, all we must now do, is participate in it!


Peace of Mind Will Be a Difficult Commodity to Find

10/14/24 3:27 PM

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, time is no longer. Tick, tick, tick for time is broken, usurped, degraded, and has come to an end. Knowledge of my Kingdom will be a prized possession, a luxury that many do not have. Those children without me in their heart will clamor for peace of mind but will not find it. They will search to and fro for what they are missing, but still will refuse to give up their sins and shun the idea of my existence. They will know something is missing but will never quite get the understanding of what it is.

I Am your Lord and Savior. I Am the one who gives life. I create and I can destroy, for those not worthy of entrance into my Kingdom. Wake up to what is around you before you are too far from redemption. Give up all sins and do NOT return to them. I Am who you need in this storm. I Am with all who ask.

I Am.


Who Will Answer the Call

10/14/24 3:40 PM
Solitary Man


My son, you wonder why I do not anoint my servants as I have in the days of old. How the early church had the twelve, then the seventy, sent out and equipped with the power to cast out unclean spirits and to heal the sick. How the early disciples, apostles as well as others, went forth and preached the gospel, with signs and wonders accompanying them.

You see the unrelenting evil enclosing all about you, and you petition heaven for a new empowering. The generation of today knows nothing of the God of the bible, you say. Surely if one went in the same power and anointing that the saints of old were given, then they would believe.

You tire of watching your brothers and sisters in the body claim and proclaim their authority in Christ. They are bold to babble about who they are in Christ, within the walls where like-minded brethren congregate. Yet none would dare to go out into the world and speak such things to the pagan.

And why is that? Fear? Lack of faith? A hard heart? All that, and much more. No, the main reason they would flee from such a command is that they know that they are not anointed as they say. Their man-made doctrine speaks of all believers having access to this unlimited power. They love to deceive one another in their gatherings, proclaiming this, and declaring that. They lay hands on one another, prophesy empty words over each other, and leave the gathering with no more understanding than when they entered. Indeed, what little light they had is now being taken away.

And why is this so? Why do they refuse to see? Why won’t they hear? Because they love it so. They love to wallow in their delusions. They refuse to lay their pet doctrines on the altar. They refuse to consider the notion that they could be in error.

So be it. My spirit shall not strive with them forever. Have you noticed that one by one, those who refuse to embrace what I am saying and doing in these final days are falling into one sort of error or another? One obsesses over hatred of Jews. Another cannot see anything except his hatred of the Catholics. Yet another refuses to repent over encouraging others to engage in pharmakia, as the jab of death was unleashed upon an unsuspecting planet. They now know what has occurred, yet their pride and their fear of losing influence and offerings prevents them from humbling themselves and asking forgiveness from their followers.

So be it. They have chosen their path, and the fruits of their doings I will heap upon their heads. For those who choose to be blind, blindness is given unto you in great abundance.

So why are so few empowered with my gifts? Do you think heaven has run out of power? That my store of mercy and grace has been exhausted? Is it not your sin, your heart condition, and your lack of knowledge that makes it so?

I speak now to my body. Listen very closely. The form of Christianity that most practice bears no resemblance to the truth of the Way found in my word. A profound shift in your thinking is the only way that you can be saved. Your pastors and your shepherds have not fed you the truth. How could they, when they know not the truth themselves?

When I called one to follow me, I did not invite them to enter into a protracted negotiation as to the terms and conditions of their discipleship. Each one was given a simple choice. Follow me, regardless of where I lead you, or go back and go home. Those who were worthy of my kingdom immediately left all. Those who were not, hesitated and lost.

How many in my body follow me conditionally? How many have drawn up their own discipleship contract, stating terms and conditions that they dreamed up, and assumed I agreed to? But they would say, how come you never told us these things? We took your silence for agreement!

My silence is all that I give to those who ignore what is already clearly written. If you choose to refuse the clear teaching of scripture, why should I waste time giving you further instruction? What makes you think you would obey those, when you have already rejected the terms revealed in my word? Are you taking up your cross daily? Are you crucifying your flesh? Do you live in such a way that proves without a shadow of a doubt that the genuine fear of the Lord truly governs your life? How about your inner man? Are you taking every thought captive (2 Cor 10:5), or do you indulge in all sorts of evil imaginations? Do you really know and understand that you are my bond-slave (Tit 1:1, Jam 1:1, 2 Pt 1:1, Jud 1:1, Rev 1:1)?

Why do you think my word never out rightly condemns slavery? Is it because I favor the practice? No, it was to leave you with a pattern for your own life. You are to be my bond-slaves. Obedient in all things. Having an attitude of humility and meekness, not expecting praise and thanks for every little thing that you do (Lk 17:7-10).

Do I not desire that all be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4)? Of course this is so. But what shall I do for my people that refuse to repent? Many look for the latter rain. Yet I say unto you the latter rain has already come and gone. Did I not pour out my spirit in the last century in an unprecedented way? Was there not a revival of the gifts and miracles, such as was not seen since the first generation of the church? Did not my signs and wonders go forth throughout all the earth?

Wave after wave of my spirit fell upon the lands. From Azuza street, through the tent revivals, through the Catholic charismatic renewal, through the Jesus movement, my spirit of grace and supplication covered the length and breadth of the land.

But how did my Laodicean church of the west respond? Did they delve deep into my word, obeying all that they found therein, or did they begin to amass teachers that served no purpose but to tickle their ears and create doctrines that fed their lusts? From the word of faith movement to the prosperity gospel, from replacement theology to kingdom now. From the laughing revival, to the ‘blessing this’, or the ‘fire ministry that’ movement, all had an underlying theme of self love, self exaltation, and a discarding of those portions of scripture that one did not care for.

They took all my gifts, all my power, all that undeserved favor, and built themselves golden calves, as Jeroboam of old (1 Ki 12:25-30). Creating a version of Jesus that pandered to their own lusts and desires. Exalting the worship of self, rather than the son of the living God. All that priceless treasure from the very throne room of God, thrown away for a bowl of pottage (Gen 25:29-34).

And you wonder why there is no more signs and wonders in the land?

For most of a century I had stretched out my hand towards those who called themselves after my name. In my compassion and in my mercy, as in the days of Noah, I allotted 120 years (Gen 6:3). From 1900 to 2020, I held back my righteous judgments, first sending forth my spirit to reap wherever I found hearts and minds open to the moving of the Spirit. That time is now over.

My son, do you not see the pride, the arrogance, the presumption of those that keep teaching that my miracle working power is theirs by some sort of divine right? That just because one proclaims that he knows me, does that obligate me to shower them with every kind of blessing? And when it does not come, do they acknowledge reality, and search to see why this is so? No, they pretend the power is there, anyway! They turn up the music, they shout louder, dance harder, and lie to the people more deeply!

Is this not the same tactic employed by the world, to propagandize the entire planet into accepting their ‘great reset’?

My people, which of you are truly willing to lay down all your beliefs and preconceived notions on the altar? Would you let the fear of man stand in your way? Will you allow the momentary escape from true persecution deny you the eternal treasures of the kingdom of heaven? Or are you one of the few with the courage to step out into the water, fixing your eyes on me, and me alone, that I alone will ensure that you do not drown?

You all know the time is short. You have all witnessed how time has run out for several of those around you. Do not let the time run out in your life.

What am I saying? What is it that I am asking of you? To seriously reassess how it is that you are living your life. From moment to moment, are you really living to know me, and do my will? Is your heart consumed with seeking me in all meekness and humility? Or are you still living a divided life? One moment, all you want is my presence, but the very next you are distracted and led away by various selfish desires.

My word commands you to humble yourself (2Chr 7:14, Jam 4:10, 1 Pet 5:6). My word commands you to seek meekness (Zeph 2:3). These are not suggestions.

Which of you in this final generation will rise up and be that hero that the world so desperately needs? No, not a political hero. Not a military one. But a hero of the kingdom of God. Sacrificing self once and for all, living for nothing but to know and to do the will of the Father.

The call has gone out. Which one of my people truly desires to abandon their plans, their assumptions, and their preferences, in order to gain an imperishable crown, one that will never fade away?

The choice is yours to make.



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With over 24 years of studying Prophecy daily, I have acquired a solid foundation in the word of Prophecy. Vital information has now been released to mankind which was withheld until these last moments of time. We are now leaving the age of Grace and enter the time of judgments the like mankind has never experienced before and will never again.