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Wake Up to the Sounds of Change

10/10/24 11:18 AM LynL

Chimes, bells, and trumpets line the air with sounds not heard before. It will awaken the soul to what is to come, what is to be, that has been announced millenniums ago. Those not ready will coward in fear. Those who have been waiting will have a sigh of relief mixed with remorse for the impending doom. Those ready have girded themselves in righteousness and have mentally prepared for what has not been seen before.
I Am the conductor of all events. I move each piece of the chessboard of Earth and watch as many souls move into Salvation.
Time has run out for those on the fence. No decision is a decision already made. They squandered their time as they balanced between two worlds. Now decisions must be made for one master or the other. I Am can lead and guide, but choices are made by each of my children. I will bring new understanding and comprehension to those still unable to grasp the severity of their situation (their soul). I awaken the souls of those in sleep, those slumbering thru life. Each child has the potential of being a mirrored reflection of me. I give them knowledge and wisdom to accomplish this feat. I guide and prod them to help them to the finishing line. I will not lose even one that my father has given me.



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