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Whitney Eslick Manuel Several Prophecies

The word was given on June 3, 2022 at 11:23 PM.

“Write these words, My daughter, My beloved daughter. Write, write for your soon-coming King. When, when have My people listened to their GOD? Putting forth messages as in this hour? Listen, listen, all the earth; your CREATOR SPEAKS!!!

(Note: When the LORD said the word “speaks”, it was not an angry sound, but the word was powerful and held out for a long time)

Hold on, people of earth, your time has ended. Your contract has been repealed in the Courts of Heaven. Your contract time is finished; the lien is due. I will require collection. Do not suppose that I will give way to the enemy’s plans that he has devised for your earth when I come and gather My people unto Myself. My plans are the only plans ever allowed to succeed. Patience, My people, patience. For you will see in due season why My hands have worked what I have worked and also why I have allowed My enemy what appears to be liberties and what are viewed as successes. He will have a time, a brief and quickly fleeting tumultuous time where he is allowed to rule, but only according to MY rules. His ‘rulership’, it will be subject to disasters so catastrophic that the joy of ruling a kingdom, even a wicked one, will be nonexistent and his purposes effectively thwarted. Oh yes, I know his every plan and evil tactic. Do Not think I have no counter-plans and traps laid in his pathway. I will frustrate him and his servants at every turn. I will use his wicked plans to bring about My ultimate purposes. People of the world, your GOD, your only GOD is still on His throne and forever will be.”


Word for MY Bride

June 4, 2022 12:09 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

This was the second word from the LORD on June 3, 2022. This word finished at 11:37 PM.

“Perfect Bride, her who is perfected by My own righteousness, by My own washing of her with My Word of Truth, it is to you alone, that I speak. My darling one, Our time has arrived. Fear not, it is over. The wait is over. Your Bridegroom has come for you! I AM here! Just breathe, and when you exhale I AM beside you. My chosen vessels, all is in readiness. The time of all times, the highlight of time, has come- IS come. Now and forever, I will showcase you, My perfected Bride, My glorious Bride, in the sight of all the world. Heaven and earth will witness this day the culmination of the ages and the culmination of the mystery of My sacrifice, My work on the Cross to take back a people to be My very own special treasure- MY Bride, the Wife of the LAMB. Your new name is My Own~”


The Sign of My Return

June 5, 2022 11:40 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

This word was given at 12:14am on June 6, 2022.

“My dearest daughter, write for Me. Write for your Beloved:

“It is time now; time has come quickly. I know you feel it. I have created signs to be showcased all around you. You cannot look without seeing a sign. The sign of My return, the Great and Marvelous Sign, is imminent. It will be here soon, on full display, for the whole world to see. Make sure you’re watching. My Bride, My tender one, My beloved one— she is watching. She is watching and waiting, waiting for her Beloved KING. Time has run out. Time has stilled. Do you feel the stillness and the anticipation in the air? It is the stillness and the anticipation the congregation of people experience as they await the appearance of a bride in your earthly weddings. Note the stillness, the waiting, the anticipation. The people are almost restless. When will she appear? And then, all at once, she finally appears and the music plays. I will cause My music to play, the music of the stars, and all will rise when they see My display of GLORY in My Bride. She once was hidden, but hidden no more she will shine My light and My countenance will glow through her for all the world to see. THIS is MY GLORY ON DISPLAY. This is My hour of revealing! Revealing of My great glory and power to all the world. This final hour is My hour and I AM LORD of all the world. This entire Earth is My harvest field and I AM come for Harvest!”


Time Has Now Ended

October 3, 2022 12:01 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

This is a very serious word from the LORD.
Given October 2nd, 2022 5:05 pm

“Oh mankind! Oh mankind! It is the Last Hour. Time has now ended, it is gone. It’s every grain is now expired. My people…My people are ready for action. Everything of My Word will be accomplished in this hour. Forward march, saints of GOD! Your last assignment is due. I will have My Harvest in due season. The season is due. All is prepared, all is furnished, all is waiting. Your heavenly home is completed by My own hand. Treasures beyond imagination await My beloved Bride. Prepare your hearts.”


Grace Comes To An End

March 11, 2023 4:58 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

I received this word on 3-11-23 around 5:30pm.

“Where are MY chosen ones who will hearken to MY words, who will hasten after MY spoken word, MY word spoken in due season? In this season, in this time, this time of now. Now, all is fulfilled. All has come to pass. All is as it was spoken in the past. Courage is needed for this hour. Courage and grace. MY SPIRIT is full of courage and grace, both to give and to impart in MY chosen ones and in all who will come and bow down at MY feet. This time is passing. This hour is finishing. Soon it will be no more and a new hour will be upon the people of the Earth. An hour not desired, an hour of great doom. This doom is not tenable; it will not be endured. This hour brings about destruction that has not been known since the beginning of time. All will perish who have not hidden themselves in ME. All will die without hope. This destruction is cruel and complete. So are the lost who have not known ME or MY SON. It is finished. It is completed. Grace comes to an end~”



9/23/24 11:43 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

9-22-2024 4:47 PM

“Undivided. Undivided. I search for the undivided heart. Do you want one of these? Then, ask. Ask of ME. For do I not delight, am I not a FATHER who delights to give His children all good things? It pleases ME that you would want one of these, a heart undivided, that you would ask ME in prayer. But ask in faith, believing in who I am, knowing and trusting that I love you and long to give you all good things because I love. Know I love you, MY children. Rest in the comfort of that love. MY love never fades, it never falters, it never goes away. Indeed, it cannot, for I AM LOVE. Love ME with an undivided heart. Serve ME and your fellow man in that heart. Pour on others what I have poured into you. The river of life, the river of love, never dries up. When you pour, you invite more. More, not less. So, pray for an undivided heart if that is your heart’s desire. An undivided heart to fear MY NAME and desire MY NAME to be manifest and sanctified in the sight of all the world. I search out the undivided hearts.”

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MY Chariots Are Waiting

July 10, 2024 3:37 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

June 26, 2024 12:11PM

“Two Things:

First, MY people will serve ME in the Earth for a period of 1,000 years. We are almost here. I will take of MY own a certain number for this task, the task of serving. Others will be given other positions, both in this world and also in the heavenlies. I have many wonders yet to show MY people. Why do I call them MY people and not MY children? They will be with ME once again as MY people, the children of Israel, were in the desert. I will once again tabernacle with MY people. I will live with you, among you. Oh, the glorious GLORIOUS future that awaits us, children. A future I am now putting in your heart. As it draws near, excitement and anticipation, even daydreaming, is taking hold of your hearts. This is of ME.

Now for the second thing:

MY chariots are waiting. Because first comes your Elijah moment. First comes your heavenly rescue. Can you hear the horses hooves? Can you see the fire coming in the distance? Behold! Th chariots and armies of Israel come to rescue all who are MINE, who are MINE in truth and spirit. Your wait is over. Your sentence revoked. You are let off on time served. Instead, you will now serve ME, your GOD forever and ever with no end. Where I AM there you will be and WE will be ONE. Treasure these truths in your heart and lean not on your own understanding. All will be clear soon. I’M coming, MY Bride, I’M coming.”


Worship Me In Spirit And In Truth

8/19/24 1:08 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel 

8/17/2024 Around 7PM

I was at our weekly Saturday evening Prayer and Worship meeting when the LORD spoke these words to me towards the end of our worship time:

“I will speak and you will write. Write for Me, beloved. Today I seek out My true worshippers, for I have many who seek and praise Me in the inner sanctum of their precious hearts–hearts most precious in My sight. These are not many in the sight, or the counting, of the world. But these lift up My Name and exalt Me day and night before My FATHER in Heaven, to the glory of all Heaven. Worship Me, My beloved ones. Worship Me more and more as the days grow darker. You’ve no idea how brightly your light shines and pierces through the darkness. You are made for such a time as this. You were put on this earth to praise and glorify My Name in truth. For is it not truth I have desired in the inmost parts? Let your praise ring! Push forth all the more in praise. Worship Me in spirit and in truth. Worship, My people, worship.



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Urgent Stunning And Important End Time Prophecy up to date
With over 24 years of studying Prophecy daily, I have acquired a solid foundation in the word of Prophecy. Vital information has now been released to mankind which was withheld until these last moments of time. We are now leaving the age of Grace and enter the time of judgments the like mankind has never experienced before and will never again.