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Hand Main of the Most High

A rough ride today. Bear with me.

Word from the Lord, September 29,2024

Children, now that I have your attention, it is time now for a final warning {not necessarily the ultimate very last the world will be given}. Your land is about to sustain far greater attacks. You are not ready. How many prophets do I need to send to get you to your knees? How many prophets need to warn you that the end of the days is here?

Do not allow the scoffers and those high-minded people tell you that you are a fool for believing. I said there would be scoffers, that should tell you something. I promise you this, the scoffers are going to scoff until their last breath and there will be nothing to change their mind until they are standing before Me! The scoffers are YOUR sign! You do not hear the false prophets scorned by the many, no, it has always been so.

Witness the crowd, who had shunned their cloaks for my Son’s entry only a few days later to be jeered at before Pilate. People are unpredictable and are moved and ruled by their emotions. What is good today is not good tomorrow.

You have seen a shift from only a few decades ago, where people who did shameful things with their bodies kept that secret, now they flaunt their nakedness in parades before small children! They censor you, if you dare say anything that they do not like and take you to court. They are given platforms to attack you with the crowd’s approval.

Those who once sought to be freed from such desires now invite others to “try it out”. Such things are so contrary of My will for you, yet your society and culture have embraced these people for their depravity!

It has been on YOUR Watch! Though My Word is very clear about these behaviors, though I destroyed both Sodom and Gomorrah for the same things, you have legalized these despicable acts. You flaunt your liberal attitudes and contemporary thinking! This is madness!

You are allowing your cunning enemy to come and destroy the core of the purpose for existing. Yes, I told you from the beginning and to be fruitful and multiply. Instead, you actively seek to destroy the most helpless forms of life, and those who survive are maimed and altered by knives and chemicals. Such is the spirit of Destruction upon your communities. Many lands have adapted this form of mutilation and it is an abomination of the highest order. Do you not see? Satan has taken over your minds and hearts, to transform you into the being he would like you to be. The total opposite of what you were created to be.

He has always corrupted my plans. He wasn’t satisfied with creating new life forms, Chimera, Monsters and Nephilim. Now, he is coming for that which still bears my image! To make man into woman and woman into man. How can you not see his total and obvious corruption?

Man has always been evil in his heart. It is the source of all sin. That is why I said that you need to renew your heart and spirit. You can’t help but be influenced by your surroundings! This is why you must constantly renew your mind. It must be covered by my powerful words, the words that transform.

Words are power.

Words create.

Words destroy.

The power of life and death is in the tongue. I tell you to speak life and not curses. Curses bring death and destruction. That is why the cursing of my children is a strong force used against you by those who practice the dark arts. My Son’s blood has incredible power. Why do you think they harvest adrenochrome? Why do you think they use the blood of animals, when they come to curse you? They understand these basic things, why don’t you?

Choose life, beloved. Choose life! Choose life that YOU might live!

You are called to speak. Speak my truth and my deliverance and my power!

You were not just placed here to fulfill the standard life you see played out by the world. Each and everyone of you were called to be a beacon and a light. You were not made to complete the status quo.

I separated light from darkness but that is a type and shadow of how I will judge all things!

It amuses me and also angers me that man thinks he is the only created being. How egotistical of you! When someone shares an experience that goes against the “standard”, you are quick to label them as “a nutter”, “someone that needs to take their medication”, or “looking for attention”.

Yes, they are looking for attention but not for the reasons you think. They want to share information with you but in your stubbornness you reject them. If it doesn’t fit your framework (you are SOOOOO intelligent) then it’s nonsense, you can only be the correct one.

What happens, when you learn that these beings have plans for you that if you knew them, it would terrify you to your very core? How will you react? Will you know that you must rely upon me to take your life into my own? They are preparing you for what many are calling “the alien deception”. The enemy has created an understanding that is not from me. Read my word, I have told you about these things but man has tried to alter the meaning and even removed details from the scripture. Therefore, it is up to you to seek me and to ferret out the truth for yourself. To listen to the prophets with proven records to educate you in your response.

I AM not trying to frighten you into blind obedience. I AM preparing you for the days ahead. Have you not been listening? I have already begun my own revelation of their coming. You don’t even realize that many of them can transform their appearance at will. Some of these have been in your presence and those with spiritual insight/sensitivity have known that a certain someone wasn’t “quite right” but didn’t know what it was they were sensing. Your leaders are not who you think they are…

The coming months beginning in October will abruptly change your course in dramatic ways you do not expect or understand.

I AM warning you and urging you to educate yourself. Seek truth. You shall know the truth and THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE! John 8:32



I Am Your Shelter in This Storm

9/29/24 11:30 AM


The storms come rapidly, many in a row with no respite. Hold on to your hats for you will be uncovered and naked and wanting if you are not under my wings.

I Am your shelter in this storm. Watch those who are toppled over because they have no firm foundation. Watch those who think they can weather the storm without me. The winds of adversity blow thru without a second thought. They bring thunder, lightning, hail, winds which in turn brings destruction. I Am in that wind just like you are in me. Your shelter is tied to your righteousness. Your firm foundation in my Word places you in the right location.

Know your battle gear and Words to fight all adversities. Speak to the wind, speak to the destruction BEFORE it happens. Count on miracles for I Am made of miracles. Rest in me, for I guide those who ARE of me.


Erasing the Past to Exit the Enemy’s Camp

9/28/24 10:21 PM


Life’s pitfalls are absorbed thru your repentance. It is a way of erasing past and current sins in conjunction with staying away from those sins.

My Kingdom gives you opportunities to repent and be set free. No longer will you be a servant of sin; no longer will you dwell with the enemy.

All abilities to change reside within your capabilities. Change is an action which brings your soul into righteousness, when applied correctly. Sin is a deterrent that keeps you from your Heavenly Father.

Sin becomes that mark (a different mark other than the mark of the beast) upon your soul that brings you to the enemy’s camp. Flee from that camp, to make your entrance into Heaven. Change those things that bring you away from my Kingdom and become one with your maker.


5:27 AM, September 28, 2024

As I remained awake long into the night, I was transfixed by the videos of Hurricane Helene’s aftermath especially in regions Hurricanes seldom impact, the Holy Spirit told me to write the following:

Children, what have you learned from your experiences with weather never before seen?

Some of you realize that you have not been a good neighbor as you met with people nearby that you never bothered to greet.

Some of you learned that supplies for food not needing heated or refrigerated need to be added to your pantry.

Some of you learned that your pets prefer to get in trouble by going potty in the house instead of outside during horrible winds and rain.

Some of you learned that you don’t know how to listen for my still, small voice.

You’ve learned that you don’t know how to get peace in the midst of the chaos around you.

You’ve learned that you don’t know scripture as well as you should because when you were troubled, you couldn’t calm down.

You’ve learned and are learning that others can’t always come to your rescue when you need it quickly.

You’ve learned that you in your weakest moments, you turn to pills and alcohol instead of my Holy Spirit.

I do not say these things to anger you, or frustrate you, or embarrass you, I say it so you can correct those areas where you do not have what you need when you need it.

I say this so that you will make an effort to get to know your neighbors and take the opportunity to listen to those who don’t even know me and calm their fears.

I say it so you will seek to meet the needs of others that have less than you, so that you can share with them.

I say it so that you will be my hands and feet in times of affliction and lack, to share the hope that is within you.

I say this so that you can be a light in this dark world.

I say this so that you will not hide your light under a bushel.

I say this so that you will be ready when the next big storm is coming your way.

It may be a weather event or it may be some other tragedy. Do not get hung up on trying to guess what it may be. Instead, focus your eyes on the source and solution to all your problems.

In this world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have over come the world.

I love you and I warn you so that you will seek me and find your hope and help and strength.




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Urgent Stunning And Important End Time Prophecy up to date
With over 24 years of studying Prophecy daily, I have acquired a solid foundation in the word of Prophecy. Vital information has now been released to mankind which was withheld until these last moments of time. We are now leaving the age of Grace and enter the time of judgments the like mankind has never experienced before and will never again.